Native American folk and fairy tale

Hello again readers! haven't made a blog in I don't know how long, but I do know things are about to get very educational or at least it is for me. so, on this journey that I'm on I have noticed many different folk and fairy tales and this just goes to show everyone uses their imagination and develops creativity. Any who about them native American stories that leaves you with a different approach. and I say this because Native American folk and fairy tales are an oral tradition. some stories are sacred and spiritual in nature. These stories are told to preserve ancestral history about Native Americans. it is known that one of the greatest connections is that spiritual forces can be felt and experienced in the physical world. in addition oral story telling remains a vivid and beautiful part of their culture.  These stories go along way for them and will forever remain apart of them. The reasoning Native American folk and fairy tales are unique because they are different for different tribes. the stories tell a story about a connection with earth/nature, spiritual forces, and animals.


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