Hans Christen Anderson stories or European stories?

Yeah I'm writing these blogs Back to Back. lol No seriously I was a little behind with writing to my favorite readers. Hello, Hello, Hello!!!!! back again. oh it feel so good to just type about things that you and others can relate too. Okay so I'm going to discuss the stories of Han-Christens Anderson in comparison to how differently they are from European stories. first I'm going to educate you guys about Han christens Anderson stories in which I believe they are mostly about objectifying a women or having her make a decision that makes her seems unwise. and I say this because the story the little mermaid was about a young girl giving up her life as a mermaid to be human and with a man she barely knows. Another example is in Tiger's Bride where her father bets on his daughter loses her to the beast and she has to do what he says because he own's her now. Most stories I feel are basically about owner ship and being with someone that you don't actually want to be with but that's my perception from it. Although, European stories are different for example, these stories have a majority of children being the hero. for example jack and the beanstalk jack sold the livestock for magic beans his mom and brother was so disappointed in Jack because he was suppose to sell it for money. But instead he took the beans that lead them to fortune. European stories often end in a happy ending with someone being saved. Observing the difference in the two I have come up with some questions one being which stories do you like better Anderson or European stories? and why? please leave a comment below and we can go into deeper discussion about the two.


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